Annalise: Senior Portraits

Annalise has the most indescribable sense of natural beauty... SUCH a joy to photograph. Seriously though, she has the complexion of an actual angel, and bright beautiful blue eyes! Annalise you're so photogenic it's unreal. You made my job so easy and enjoyable! Thank you so much for letting me take your senior portraits. I loved chatting with you during our session. Thanks for putting up with my goofiness behind the camera and also for your willingness to try different poses! :) You're an incredible person and I know your future is bright! 

Katy: Individual Portraits

Katy and I went to high school together and I loved getting to know her through golf team, student council, and National Honor Society! Not only did she kill it in high school, but I just added modeling to her list of accomplishments because she is so confident and comfortable in front of the camera. This woman knows how to pose... wow.

We went to my favorite coffee shop in St. Paul where we talked and snapped pics of her for a couple hours! So much fun and I love the pictures! I also am so excited to see what amazing things Katy does in the future, especially as she embarks on her freshman year of college at The George Washington University this fall. She is fearless and independent and confident and I'm just a huge Katy fan, that's all I can say. Love you Katy! 

Callum: Senior Portraits

Callum, his sister/my friend Katie, and I survived the humidity of a sunny Minnesota July evening and snapped some awesome senior pictures. We started at Orono High School where we got some sports-themed shots to represent Cal's football and baseball careers. Then we drove to downtown Wayzata and got even more awesome pictures with the docks and lake in the background! Cal requested some pictures with his car too at the end just for fun. I also got way too many pictures of him "dabbing" during his session. (See below. You'll know what I'm talking about.) 

Anyway, enjoy your final year of high school, Cal! It'll be exciting to see where your athletic ability and academic success bring you! P.S. - Katie gets best sister award for carrying all of Cal's outfits around for the evening :)

Kat: Senior Portraits

Kat's older sister, Suzy, is one of my closest friends from college. Considering she's crazy photogenic and awesome overall, I was so excited when she asked if I could take her sister Kat's senior portraits. We took the pictures in the St. Anthony Main area and had a fun evening of walking around and exploring that part of Minneapolis. Suzy tagged along and we took some cute sister pictures too! We got some great shots with a variety of backgrounds -- the city outline, flowers, cool walls with different textures, and the Hennepin Avenue Bridge. Kat and Suzy are some of the prettiest sisters I've ever met and I am lucky to have had the opportunity to photograph them. 

I'm so happy with how the photos turned out. Kat was so easy to take pictures of and I loved her dark features that looked amazing in every picture. She can also pull off a serious face and a cute smirk face like nobody's business. It was so fun meeting Kat and I wish her the best of luck with her senior year!

Sara: Individual Portraits

Sara has always been a wise friend of mine who I can always go to with anything at all. Whenever we hang out we laugh a lot and have deep, meaningful conversations. I value my friendship with her a lot! Plus, we always do really fun and random things when we hang out. One day after we had both gotten off of work she asked if we could sporadically go explore Minneapolis, so we did. And my camera came with us, of course. (Fact about me: taking pictures downtown is probably my #1 activity. I can never resist the opportunity. So many cool backgrounds, lights, bridges, textures, people, oh, and coffee shops of course.) After we walked around St. Anthony Main and the surrounding area, we got iced coffee at Aster Cafe despite the fact that it was 9pm. (Because, who needs sleep anyway?) 'Twas an ideal evening with SJ and I loved how the pictures turned out!

Minneapolis Farmers Market

One of the best parts of living in Minneapolis during the summer is the incredible farmers market on Lyndale. My friend Sara and I spent a morning there and drank fresh squeezed lemonade and took pictures... it was pretty ideal :)

Saige & Spyhouse

I always love collaborating with other people who appreciate photography like I do. About a year ago, I met Saige in Starbucks because I saw her editing photos so we started talking about photography. I then learned we were both going to be freshmen at the U of M. We have since became close friends and photography buddies! She's an incredible photographer who established her photography business before she was even old enough to drive -- how impressive is that?! 

During this shoot, we decided to grab coffee at Spyhouse and explore the surrounding area of North Loop, Minneapolis.

Becca: Individual Portraits

Becca is a dear friend I've known from high school. She moved to Boston before starting her freshman at Yale and has since been doing amazing things and being a girl boss, although I do miss her greatly. She visited Minnesota for a week this summer and I got to photograph her photogenic amazingness and distinct skill of being in front of the camera! 

UMN Kappa Kappa Gamma

One of my photography friends, Saige, is a member of UMN Kappa Kappa Gamma. During one of their shoots for a promotional video that Saige was directing, I tagged along to snap pictures of the KKG sisters. It was a fun evening in Wayzata with the PERFECT summer twilight lighting and we ended the session on a sweeter note with ice cream at Ben n' Jerry's :)

Miguel: Individual Portraits

You know the type of people who you are genuinely thankful that you met because of their infectious positivity and kindness? Miguel is one of those people -- I am so happy I met him during our first year at the University of Minnesota. I was overjoyed when he asked me for a portrait session at the beginning of the summer. We began in Dunn Brothers where we caught up and talked about life for a while and drank coffee. Then we continued the conversation while we explored Excelsior in search of different backgrounds. I love how these photos turned out because Miguel's smile is KILLER and he is so photogenic. Thanks Miguel :)

Katie: Individual Session, Winter-Themed

One day over winter break when Katie and I were home from college, we decided to hike in a local park and take my camera with for a wintry photography adventure. It was COLD but worth it! If you look close enough, you can see Katie's breath in the photos. We had a few close calls with falling on ice, dropping my camera in the snow, and probably getting frostbite... but it was all totally worth it because I love how these photos turned out.