Lukas: Class of 2018

I've had the honor of knowing Lukas and his amazing family for many years now -- since Lukas and my younger brother were in 4th grade! At this time, his older sister Ariana became my best friend. In fact, fast forward a few years, and Lukas and I were even on the Orono Cross Country Running team when I was a senior and he was a freshman. (Side note: while he was running varsity with quite impressive times, I was on the team solely for the pasta carbo loads. No regrets.) Aside from his running ability, Lukas is a very talented wrestler and will embark on his 5th season on varsity wrestling this year! 

Only talking about Lukas' impressive athleticism wouldn't do him justice. What is really the most impressive about Lukas is how mature, humble, and thoughtful he is. Even as a high schooler, he is interested in studying economics in his free time. I always remember seeing intricate concept maps on his family's kitchen, outlining certain economic principles and policies, all drawn by Lukas. He also has a knack for building up those around him. His mom says that one of the most admirable aspects of Lukas is that he encourages other young men his age to be comfortable in their own skin. It's safe to say that the world needs more courageous, kind-hearted gentlemen like Lukas.

Lukas, thank you so much for allowing me to take your senior photos. You're confident and handsome and I hope that these photos will help you commemorate your high school years! I quickly realized that you pull off the serious face quite well (even if it took getting some laughs out first!) and they make for some killer black and white edits. Congrats on your successes thus far, and best of luck with senior year! 

Blake: Senior Portraits

I always love finding new places for photography shoots. I was excited when Blake and his mother chose Elm Creek Park Reserve as the location for his senior portraits -- I couldn't have asked for a better place. Or better clients. Blake, thanks for being such an easygoing guy throughout the session!  I loved hearing all about your passion for your car and I'm so happy you requested pictures with it. Those are some of my favorites that we took all evening! I hope you enjoy them for years to come. Have a great senior year!

Anna: Senior Portraits

Anna has been one of my best friends for almost 10 years now. It seems like just yesterday we were playing with dolls and going to day camp together... and now I'm in college and she is about to embark on her final year of high school! Where does the time go?!?

It was an honor to take senior photos for one of my closest and most beautiful & confident friends. We had a great time listening to fun music, talking and laughing, and snapping photos at her beautiful home and then in Excelsior! 

Anna's bold personality and beauty truly show in the photos and that is what I love so much about them. 

Annalise: Senior Portraits

Annalise has the most indescribable sense of natural beauty... SUCH a joy to photograph. Seriously though, she has the complexion of an actual angel, and bright beautiful blue eyes! Annalise you're so photogenic it's unreal. You made my job so easy and enjoyable! Thank you so much for letting me take your senior portraits. I loved chatting with you during our session. Thanks for putting up with my goofiness behind the camera and also for your willingness to try different poses! :) You're an incredible person and I know your future is bright! 

Callum: Senior Portraits

Callum, his sister/my friend Katie, and I survived the humidity of a sunny Minnesota July evening and snapped some awesome senior pictures. We started at Orono High School where we got some sports-themed shots to represent Cal's football and baseball careers. Then we drove to downtown Wayzata and got even more awesome pictures with the docks and lake in the background! Cal requested some pictures with his car too at the end just for fun. I also got way too many pictures of him "dabbing" during his session. (See below. You'll know what I'm talking about.) 

Anyway, enjoy your final year of high school, Cal! It'll be exciting to see where your athletic ability and academic success bring you! P.S. - Katie gets best sister award for carrying all of Cal's outfits around for the evening :)

Kat: Senior Portraits

Kat's older sister, Suzy, is one of my closest friends from college. Considering she's crazy photogenic and awesome overall, I was so excited when she asked if I could take her sister Kat's senior portraits. We took the pictures in the St. Anthony Main area and had a fun evening of walking around and exploring that part of Minneapolis. Suzy tagged along and we took some cute sister pictures too! We got some great shots with a variety of backgrounds -- the city outline, flowers, cool walls with different textures, and the Hennepin Avenue Bridge. Kat and Suzy are some of the prettiest sisters I've ever met and I am lucky to have had the opportunity to photograph them. 

I'm so happy with how the photos turned out. Kat was so easy to take pictures of and I loved her dark features that looked amazing in every picture. She can also pull off a serious face and a cute smirk face like nobody's business. It was so fun meeting Kat and I wish her the best of luck with her senior year!