Anna: Class of 2018

You know when you haven't seen someone in at least five years and then you're finally reunited!? Anna, it was so nice to see you again! It'd been a few years for sure, and you've grown up into the most amazing person. It's refreshing how you are so unique and confident in your own skin. I absolutely love your style and your hair! And the henna :)

It was so much fun photographing you and Ava! You two are a blast. Thanks for roadtripping all the way to Lakeville for our photo destination!! 

Have an amazing rest of your summer! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you!

Anna: Graduation Photos

Congratulations on graduating high school <3 I can't possibly imagine life without you as one of my best friends and favorite people ever. I am so excited for you as you embark on the next chapter of your life! It was an honor to take your graduation photos!

Anna: Senior Portraits

Anna has been one of my best friends for almost 10 years now. It seems like just yesterday we were playing with dolls and going to day camp together... and now I'm in college and she is about to embark on her final year of high school! Where does the time go?!?

It was an honor to take senior photos for one of my closest and most beautiful & confident friends. We had a great time listening to fun music, talking and laughing, and snapping photos at her beautiful home and then in Excelsior! 

Anna's bold personality and beauty truly show in the photos and that is what I love so much about them.