Scott: Class of 2018

Scott, I enjoyed meeting you! Thanks for adventuring around Excelsior with me and telling me all about your trip to Europe! Best of luck with soccer, skiing, and senior year -- I hope you enjoy it while it lasts! 

Here's an interesting story: so, if you've read the 'about me' page, you know that I lost my first DSLR camera in a lake. Here's the full story: it happened at Scott's family's cabin in Duluth! Scott's family is great friends with my best friend's family, and two summers ago, they were so kind and let Ariana and I spend the weekend there before we went off to college for the first time. At that point, I barely even knew how to use my camera and definitely had little to no technical understanding of basic camera functions. One afternoon, I had placed my camera and brand new 50mm portrait lens on my towel on the dock so that the towel wouldn't fly into the lake. A couple minutes later after I had walked onto the beach, Ariana and I heard a gust of wind and I looked back, and to my horror, the towel and camera were gone because the wind had picked up both of them. As soon as I realized what had happened, I dove down and retrieved the camera from the bottom of the lake. For the proceeding week, I went through a sequence of remedial attempts -- rice, silica packets, even 'baking' the camera at 100 degrees in the oven. Long story short that camera was never able to be fixed, but the lens was! In fact, the lens I chose to use during Scott's session is the very lens that was on the bottom of the lake at his cabin! Weird, right?!