Megan: Class of 2020
Meet Megan: my second Class of 2020 senior rep! When I was reaching out to prospective reps, Megan was recommended to me by one of my past seniors. Before I even got to reach out to Megan, she beat me to it, reached out to me first, and introduced herself! I was so impressed! WE LOVE A CONFIDENT LADY!!!! Needless to say, taking Megan on as one of my reps was an easy decision :)
As I got to know Megan more through meeting for coffee earlier this year and on the day of her shoot, I realized that she is astoundingly confident and it is AMAZING. She believes in herself and isn’t afraid to make moves toward what she wants. To me, it is so inspiring to see a young adult with so much zeal and ambition. Aside from these traits she is kind, funny, and so easy to talk to.
When I asked Megan for words to describe her ideal senior shoot, she said warm and cheerful. On the day of her session we were blessed with a perfect golden hour in which we took some of the most majestic, picturesque golden-lit field photos I think I’ve ever taken in my 4 years of taking senior pictures. I’m probably going to be posting them on Instagram for the rest of eternity. Sorry not sorry ;)
I had the best time getting to know Megan. She is:
A soccer superstar,
A smart cookie,
A Woman to WATCH. For real. Watch out world, she’s undoubtably gonna make waves.
You are destined for greatness, Megan!! As your senior photographer I am proud of who you are. You have an exciting future ahead of you. I hope it contains many more exciting memories on the soccer field, accomplishments in the classroom, memories with friends, and especially lots of John Mayer ;) P.S. In your honor listened to lots of John Mayer as I edited your photos - I just had to :)