Kayla: Class of 2018

Kayla is one of the most cheerful and vivaciously bubbly humans I have ever met!! She is rarely not smiling or laughing! She is one of those individuals who is like an instant ray of sunshine when she walks in the room -- total day brightener whose smile is contagious! Her presence is a blessing to say the least :) I always aim to capture raw and true emotion in my photos, and because Kayla is naturally upbeat and smiley, this was quite easy to do! 

This is definitely my new favorite senior session that I've ever shot, for a variety of reasons! The first time we had Kayla's photos scheduled, we got rained out, which was a huge bummer at first. However, Kayla had the jackpot for weather when we rescheduled! It was overcast for part of the time and bright and sunny for the second part of the shoot. Because of this, we got the benefits of both... photos with rich tones and details from the overcast lighting, and bright and vibrant photos from when it was sunny. Best of both worlds! PLUS... Kayla was my very first senior session with my brand new camera and lens that I had gotten that morning!! I couldn't have asked for a more awesome, genuine, and remarkably stunning senior to use my new camera on :)

Kayla, thank you again for letting me capture your beauty - you are just darling! I had SO much fun hanging out with you for the evening. You're an incredible human and I am pumped to see what you decide to do next year!!