Gabby: Class of 2020

Meet Gabby, my third senior rep!

When I met Gabby in March, I immediately realized she is an absolute GEM of a human, someone who is wise well beyond her years. She is incredibly down-to-earth, driven, humble, and genuine. She’s the type of human who is like a breath of fresh air to be around. I knew I wanted her as my senior rep because who she is embodies everything I want to represent with my photography - REAL, genuine, joyful. 

Gabby is ambitious and has a big calling on her life. She has goals to be a doctor or surgeon someday and I have no doubt she is going to achieve her dreams and even more! She has the passion, the work ethic, and definitely the discipline to get her there. Her mom was telling me how Gabby is organized and a good time manager. That might be a strange thing for me to add in a blog post, but I’m going to because WOW - I don’t think there are many young adults of her age who have that aspect of life down. Gabby, I am pumped to see how your gifts, talents, discipline, and hard work carry you throughout the next exciting years of your life. (Also, Gabby, I might be calling you up sometime for all your time management tips because that’s an area of my life I’m not a pro at ;) ) 

Another thing about Gabby is that she is well-rounded and talented in so many areas. She excels in hard classes like calculus, anatomy, and chemistry, crushes it on the soccer field, has artistic talent with drawing, and she is always making those around her laugh. Like WHAT! Talk about a multi-potential lady BOSS!

I’m also giggling to myself because each of my senior reps so far have been exceptional soccer players - Gabby for sure is one! She’s helped carry her varsity soccer team to state two years in a ROW! I’m believing for a third :) 

For Gabby’s shoot, we started out at the Peace Garden and finished her shoot in Saint Anthony Main, where we (literally) chased the last few moments of the perfect, ethereal sunset we were blessed with on the night of her shoot. (We got some awesome golden hour shots that I am LOVING.) Plus, her cute pup made an appearance at her shoot which made everything even better. Seniors, pro tip: bring your dogs!! 

Thank you for being my rep, Gabby! I believe in you and I cannot wait to see what you accomplish. You’ve worked so hard to get to where you are and I know it will pay off big time. But aside from anything you do, you have a heart of gold and you are so easy and fun to be around. Who you are on the inside is remarkable Chase after your dreams and keep pouring into those around you. 

And never forget, you can do ALL things!
