Meghan Swanson Photography

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Truthfully Tara




contagiously enthusiastic,

& so much more:

Meet the one and only Tara Patoile!

She is a human like no other. I am so thankful to have met such an amazing person!

A couple truths about Tara:

She is a role model, a friend, a fascinating story-teller, an effortless relationship builder, an expert marketing technologist (is that a word?), and so much more. She's just all-around empathetic and magnetic WONDERWOMAN.

There's so much more dimension to Tara than her lively presence. She's also one of the most courageous and resilient people I've ever met. Her life story is really something. She has faced all types of tangles, bumps in the road, and adversities in her lifetime.... but you'd never even know with how ebullient she is. She is incredible proof of the power of resilience. 

Tara, thank you for being you. You are a light and a blessing in this world. & thank you for inspiring me to be the best version of myself possible!