Meghan Swanson Photography

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Sophia: Class of 2020

This is Sophia! 

She is a delightful, vivacious, talented young lady + my fourth Class of 2020 senior rep! I feel beyond lucky to have had the opportunity to photograph such a lovely upcoming senior. 

Aside from being my amazing rep Sophia is:

A joyful and smiley ray of sunshine,

A talented alpine skier, 

A team leader, 

An esteemed yearbook editor, 

An avid history + literature lover,

An adventurous soul,

A caring + compassionate friend,

+ so much more! 

She is the SWEETEST and felt like a long-lost sister to me, even back when we first met for coffee months ago to begin discussing what being a senior rep would entail. On the day of her shoot we ended up spending 5 hours together and had so many heart-to-hearts as we commuted to her different photo locations. (Part of the 5 hours long part may or may not be because we got lost trying to find the last location… ooops.) I’m not mad about it because I loved every second with Sophia!

Her session was the diverse + perfect mixture of bold, bright, elegant, and feminine. Her photos feature a wide variety of floral elements, deep greens, both dramatic, high-impact lighting and also soft and elegant lighting, delicate organic details, complementary background elements and more. We maximized the day and shot just until the sun fell beneath the tree line. It was a successful shoot to say the least. Trying to choose my favorite images has been an impossible feat. Sophia’s beautiful soul and personality shine through in each photo in a different way. Some of my favorite photos are the candid black and white ones we took at the tail end of the shoot when the sunlight was pretty much gone for the night — scroll to the bottom of this blog post to see!!

Miss Sophia, thank you thank you thank you. You are a delight to work with and I loved getting to know you so much! I can tell you have a high amount of influence in the spheres you are in. You have the ability to brighten any space you are in and impact people’s lives in deep ways. You are a true inspiration with your big heart and deep sense of care for others.

I know you have a thrilling future ahead of you, no matter where you choose to go or how the cookie crumbles, so to say! Also — you can count on me to be your penpal if you go far from home. I still can’t believe I found someone my age who likes snail mail as much as I do :) 

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