Meghan Swanson Photography

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Ohnica: Class of 2020


You are a sunshiney ANGEL! You are pure joy and excitement! It was the BEST to meet you and photograph you. I would say your senior shoot could be summed up as two hours of heart-to-hearts with a side of photography, lol. You have a heart of pure gold and it was a blessing to me to get to know you! I left your shoot feeling re-inspired about life in a new way. Thank you for that!

I admire you so much, for how you are driven by your faith, for your ability to take initiative, for how you exude joy and authenticity, and how you walk to the beat of your own drum. You’ve faced every bump in the road with grace and resilience, and you have the ability to find the silver lining very clearly.

You are a total day brightener just by being you! I can’t wait to see you carry your infectious smile and light everywhere you go!

Also, I am VERY honored to have been there for your very first chai tea experience! Finishing up your senior shoot with chai on the patio of Aster Cafe?! It truly does not get better than that!

You are exquisitely beautiful, Ohnica! I am so thankful God brought us together. Thank you for a fun evening of laughter, life talks, and joy. You are a delight! I cannot wait to see the amazing plans the Lord has for your life. It’s gonna be GOOD - keep dreaming BIG.

P.S. Jeremiah 29:11. :)

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