Meghan Swanson Photography

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Maddie: Class of 2018

MN weather has been something else this summer. Maddie and I had to cancel her shoot not once but twice because of rain. The worst part? Both days it frustratingly went from stormy to sunny, but only after it was too late to shoot! BUT... I'm not complaining, because our third try was successful, and it was absolutely gorgeous out! Also, we had a fun shoot because her adorable puppy, mom, sister, and friend came along for the ride. :) 

Maddie is the perfect mix of sophisticated, classy, genuine, and fun. Super stunning and easygoing! She killed it with her outfit choices: a classy, timeless white top, a teal dress that brought out her beautiful hazel eyes, and a bold red shirt that complemented her brown hair nicely. Also, coming from a family tree of lots of dentists, you have a million dollar smile.  

Maddie, thank you so much again for your flexibility and good attitude about all the rain and rescheduling hoops we had to jump through in order to finally get the perfect senior photo evening! Honestly, I would go through all that weather frustration again though for this shoot because I love the floral theme that you requested, the perfect summer weather we had when we finally got to shoot, and all the pictures we took. Also, it was fun to take a walk down memory lane and take pictures where I had my own senior photos taken 3 summers ago. Anyway, I had so much fun spending the evening with you and your squad! I wish you a phenomenal senior year!