Meghan Swanson Photography

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Abby: Class of 2019

Darling Abby!

You are like a sun... not even a ray of sunlight. You are the whole dang sun. Everything about you is bright, cheerful & brilliant in many ways. Your beautiful smile lights up the whole room! I adored every minute I got to spend with you. You may or may not realize it, but you inspire me so much in so many ways! You are a phenomenal friend, sister, daughter, artist, and encourager. Plus, I'm totally in awe of how many unique talents you have - whether its singing, the piano, photography, or leadership, I have full faith that your passions are going to make your life an thrilling adventure as you continue to explore them. I can't wait to cheer you on as you embark on these next exciting and new chapters that are coming up. There are beautiful and great things in store for you - this I know. Keep your dreams big!

I had the best time hanging out with you, your lovely mom, and Derby and Ruby. You are a remarkable young lady: you are thoughtful, sweet, oh-so-bubbly, humble, and genuine. I feel like we could be long-lost sisters since we are practically the same person. I loved talking about music, life, school, and literally everything in between! Also, you are so easy to talk to, I pretty much told you my whole life story and testimony haha. 

Can't wait for coffee dates and photo adventures to come. Stay golden, friend :)